We paid it a visit this past Monday and moved bulky objects in (thanks to Sebastian's Dad, Ekkehardt).
I believe he is the most helpful person I've ever met, and I'm grateful for his company. If it wasn't for him, instead of studying in Berlin, I would be working very hard to be especially close to my favorite person in the world. Since obtaining an MBA in International Management is extremely pertinent to me, and since Sebastian and I make a wonderful academic team and most importantly romance! and love! and everything in between team, the possibility of studying here was, possible.
A Contract was drafted in this agreement, that of which I will not enclose, to keep it simple, even the contract was a blessing.
Doesn't this sound nice?
The reality of the situation is: The second year of my Master's study tuition will need to come from a different source, I hope my prayers are heard, and I hope a couple of doors will open. At the moment I am aiming towards the study scholarship (click me) , it would be a dream to have it. I should be working on my proposal at the moment, but staring blankly at an empty word document as to where and how I start is intimidating.
Blog writing is enabling me to work out some nerves.
The good news is, I have a lot of brainstorming jotted down on paper and well equipped knowledge friends whom I believe will proofread my stuff. I don't expect this scholarship more than I would APPRECIATE it.
"I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often."
- Brian Tracy; self development and life coach