Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm in Dresden on vacation

I'm literally counting down the weeks until Sebastian and I move into our insanely unique apartment in Berlin. Each room is separated by its own door! : The living room, sleeping room, cooking room, toilette room! We are not worried about respecting each other's privacy (ha!).
We paid it a visit this past Monday and moved bulky objects in (thanks to Sebastian's Dad, Ekkehardt).

I believe he is the most helpful person I've ever met, and I'm grateful for his company. If it wasn't for him, instead of studying in Berlin, I would be working very hard to be especially close to my favorite person in the world. Since obtaining an MBA in International Management is extremely pertinent to me, and since Sebastian and I make a wonderful academic team and most importantly romance! and love! and everything in between team, the possibility of studying here was, possible.

A Contract was drafted in this agreement, that of which I will not enclose, to keep it simple, even the contract was a blessing.

Doesn't this sound nice?
The reality of the situation is: The second year of my Master's study tuition will need to come from a different source, I hope my prayers are heard, and  I hope a couple of doors will open. At the moment I am aiming towards the study scholarship (click me) , it would be a dream to have it. I should be working on my proposal at the moment, but staring blankly at an empty word document as to where and how I start is intimidating.

Blog writing is enabling me to work out some nerves.

The good news is, I have a lot of brainstorming jotted down on paper and well equipped knowledge friends whom I believe will proofread my stuff. I don't expect this scholarship more than I would APPRECIATE it.

"I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often."
 - Brian Tracy; self development and life coach

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm in Dresden on vacation

We're going to Birkwitz tomorrow!
It's the only lake I've ever been to in my life. I only know of one lake existing in Hawaii, and for years it was a toxic dump.

Birkwitz is unique for my taste. I really like it.
Anyway, it's the closest thing I have to an ocean.
There is something very healing about swimming and just letting the body float around in the placidity of the lake. It is also unique, that even if it is blazing hot over Dresden, the lake is still icy cold.
I feel that diving in right away is how you approach this body of water.
And it's not so much that the body adjusts to the temperature, I think it is in just pure shock, it then goes numb.

That tiny book in my hand is my English to German dictionary.
It has been helpful sometimes, but not all.
Learning the language seems to come much more easier to me when I pay attention to what people around me are saying, and then use it on my own (the way I think it means). Usually I'm right.
This is how children learn, this is also how they learn not to.
I might invest in taking German language courses, but I don't think I can afford it nor budget for it.
I will reveal in blogs to come of what my situation will be like in Berlin.
Reality sets in ladies and gentleman...and while I am living up summer in Germany to the fullest, colder seasons are upon us, and I have no idea.

Todo, we're not in Honolulu anymore :]

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm in Dresden on vacation

What a vacation it's been, absolutely splendid, and every corner of Dresden (besides the grafittied walls and buildings) is magnificent and up kept true to its historical aesthetic.

If someone asked me about Dresden, I would not know where to begin. I might start with my very first and memorable experience which was eating dinner with my boyfriend and his family after a long 24hr plane ride from Honolulu to LA to Dusseldorf to Dresden.

 Sebastian's dad knew I liked rice (because duh, I'm from Hawaii), gratefully, they made a unique rice dish with curry and chicken. NOT a traditional German food, it was more of a comfort food to welcome me into my new foreign surroundings.

I haven't touched ranch dressing or thousand island dressing since I got here. The Grottkes are agriculturalists. Everything must be fresh market veggies! If it isn't they wont buy it :). The curry rice dish was accompanied with fresh tomato salad and green onions to accompany it with. I marveled over the deliciousness and freshness of the dressing and asked how it was made. Perhaps you should try it since who knows what the heck is in that salad dressing of yours!

What they do:
Chop all of the vegetables that's going into the salad
Save the juice from the tomatoes you cut into a bowl
Add pepper
Add Sunflower seed oil
Stir it of course

and then voila! drizzle it over the salad.
You might never eat ranch dressing with your salad again.
