Below are some thoughts that arose during my in flight - en route hours:
Best Regards
It is mystifying how one puts
everything (or nothing at all) into the application process of seeking
internships, jobs, scholarships – or things we want that require a certain “letter
writing” format.
It’s funny how in this
desperate day and age, when we’re all struggling to find jobs to sustain
ourselves somehow we place emphasis on those academic taboos that make us
nervous just as we are to send out that letter.
Best regards?
Thank you for your attention?
Who are we trying to impress
and what kinds of format-nazis are turning down our inquiries because sincerely
is too emotional or too touchy for this kind of work?
At which point in our lives,
does that kind of simple thing govern our quality of work?
Personally, I always liked best regards, and of course – sincerely, so as to not sound like a
e-mailing, letter writing robot, I combined the two … I wonder if its
invented…sincere regards
Serving Mai Tais over nothing
How many post baccalaureates
are truly searching for jobs (not even careers) that never suit their
interests? How many of them are biting into the media frenzy that 80% of 2011
college grads move home and remain jobless?
How many of them are:
Sales Associates
Flight Attendants
Basically searching for JOBS
rather than careers with plans?
Personally, its intimidating,
I try not to pay too much attention to what the media says, so I walk around
with this determined attitude in my Master’s program and search for resume
boosting internships or jobs. I feel that the waitressing days are over- given,
I am looking for one for now as I return to Honolulu for six weeks, to be
realistic a six-week vacation in Hawaii is not the most ideal environment for
an individual hoping to be employed in good faith.
So for now, I’ll settle for
nearly anything- but even I face the dilemma or elephant in the room that says,
“Yeah Elise, you’re great –
but you’re not innovative enough, inventive, or creative to make it out there.”
It’s surely intimidating to
think of some of the entrepreneurial ventures I would like to undergo, but the
only thing I see stopping me are mental blocks.
I’m hoping to overcome some
of them while I am out here with everything in retrospect
Hawaii – Berlin - Hawaii